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The Prophets
Short animations about the Prophets.
6 Videos
Short animations about the Prophets.
A lot could be said about what Jesus did on Earth and what Jesus taught while he was on Earth. In face, you can watch the whole story of Jesus’ life in the videos section. But we have taken a few of those stories that show exactly who Jesus and put them below. After this lesson, you will see exactly what the Bible says about Jesus. He is the forgiver of your sins and the Savior of the world. Enjoy.
Matthew 8:23-27
In this story, Jesus is resting. A strong storm comes upon the boat. Everyone is scared that they are going to die. Jesus wakes up and tells the storm to stop. The storm immediately stops. Who has the power to stop a storm? Regular people can’t do that!
In this story, Jesus is approached by a demon possessed man. The man begged Jesus not to hurt him. He knew Jesus had power. Jesus immediately tells the demons to leave the man and they leave the man and go into some animals. The healed man went into the town rejoicing that Jesus had healed him.
Matthew 14:13-21
In this story, there are lots of people following Jesus around as he teaches. They are in need of food. The disciples bring him a little bit of food, but tell Jesus it’s not enough to feed the people. Jesus multiples the food so that they have more than enough to feed everyone! Who do you know that can multiply food?
Luke 8:40-56
In this story, Jesus shows us that he can heal anyone. He heals a woman who was sick for a long time. She had faith in him. We also see that Jesus can raise someone from the dead! The girl was dead and Jesus surprised everyone and gave her new life. Who is able to give new life?
Mattthew 9:1-8
In this story, Jesus is teaching and some friends want Jesus to heal him. They brought their crippled friend to Jesus and he tell him “Your sins are forgiven!” That’s not exactly what they were wanting. But then Jesus shows them that he has the ability to forgive sins by telling the man to get up and take his mat and walk! Wow! Jesus has the power to forgive sins.
There is a verse from the Bible I would like to share with you. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). After watching all these videos, its hard to deny the power Jesus possesses. He has the ability to do everything that God himself can do. Jesus is God. He came to save us from our sins. Praise God for this.
God wants to restore your relationship with Him. He wants you to live with Him forever in the spiritual kingdom of Christ. He wants you to become His child. It is a gift from God for you. There is only one way for you to make right the relationship with God. You must accept Christ’s gift who died for your sins. You receive this gift by doing two things:
Will you accept this gift to restore your relationship with God right now? Will you do these two things – repent and believe?
Watch the Gospel of John.